Vision & Aims
Our Values
Our Vision
- To deliver high quality education in a supportive, caring and secure environment in which everyone is valued.
- To provide a centre for the families in our community to learn, grow and play.
- To continue to offer exceptional specialist provision for children and families with additional needs.
Our Aims
- Including everyone, celebrating differences and similarities between people and cultures.
- Everything we learn comes through play and fun
- Building the foundations for a lifelong love of learning through a child led journey.
- Learning is exciting, relevant, meaningful and irresistible.
- Fostering a can-do attitude to help children become resilient and independent.
- Understanding the importance of listening to each other, communicating in a kind and respectful way.
- Ensuring that we capture and build upon awe and wonder moments in the world.
- Nurturing well rounded and happy individuals.
- Developing imagination, exploration, investigation and independent thinking.
- Providing the freedom to explore and learn in an outdoor, multi-sensory environment.