In March 2022 we opened ‘Tenterfield Tinies’ which is our community based play group situated in the Civic Centre in Welwyn Village. It runs every Friday morning (term time only) in the large hall at the Civic Centre,
Tenterfield Tinies & Toddlers supports children aged 0-3yrs and their families.
10.00-11.30am: Newborn to 3 years
You do not have to book, just turn up to the session. We take a £2 donation, these donations either support the running of the group or we regularly fundraise for charity. So far we have supported Ukraine, McMillan and Syria & Turkey disaster appeal.
Children can access high quality resources and activities, alongside the opportunity to socialise with other children which they have been unable to do due to the global pandemic.
Keep up to date with what’s happening each week by joining our Facebook Page “Tenterfield Tinies”
What do I need to bring?
A lidded cup (Hot water, tea & coffee provided)
Spare clothes (Sessions can get very messy…we love messy play!)
There will be a small snack for children and adults. If your child has an allergy it is your responsibility to manage this. NO NUTS.
Visa/Debit card for £2 donation.
Working together…
Tenterfield Tinies is run by fantastic volunteers, and the group wouldn’t be such a success without them! Kate leads the group, supported every week by April & Lucy. Please make sure you say hi to them, you will usually find them chasing their own toddlers around!
We work in partnership with One YMCA Family Centre who supported us with start-up funding to begin the group. Staff from the family centre attend a session every month to chat to local families about parenting and signpost them to local activities or classes. Parents have the opportunity to ask questions or have their baby weighed.
The group is supported by Welwyn Parish Council who have granted us free access to the hall.
We also like to support and promote local businesses, therefore we run themed weeks which do require booking in advance, and a requested payment for the session. We have worked with Little City, Creative Chefs and Welwyn Tennis Club to provide some fantastic new learning opportunities for our children. We will always support our whole community to attend all our sessions so please speak to Kate in confidence if there is any reason that you may be unable to attend.
Why did we start the group?
The Covid -19 pandemic made us reflect on earlier interventions and supporting our youngest children who have been highly affected due to lock down and isolation. Tenterfield Tinies is continually evolving, and we are seeing an impact with our children starting in our two year old and nursery provision. In the school holidays we run Tenterfield Tinies at Tenterfield Nursery school (AL6 9JF) so families can see our fantastic environment, Fridays 9.30-11am, school holidays only. Children and families are starting the Tenterfield journey with prior knowledge of our Tenterfield ethos, as well as familiar faces to welcome them to the Tenterfield family.
- Reminders for the Group (22.46KB)
- Tinies Safeguarding Policy (181.56KB)
Comments from families
“I have lots of positives to share about group. Tenterfield Tinies has been really good for my little one and I love she has the opportunity for messy play, water play, craft etc and generally socialising. She doesn’t do any childcare/nursery so it great for her to have these lovely planned creative extras. I think it works well to have it accessible for babies at an earlier time and run onto older toddlers.”
“I love the Tenterfield sessions and I take my one year old daughter most Fridays. The activities, space and session length are great. The nursery setting you invite us to in half terms is absolutely gorgeous. You have plenty of resources and the provision is organised clean and well stocked.”