Personal, social and emotional:
At Tenterfield our goal is for children “to build secure relationships that make children feel happy and safe, so that they can confidently express their feelings, wants, needs & desires independently in pro social ways.”
This area is a real strength for Tenterfield as we support children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others. Through effective role modelling children learn how to manage their feelings and develop the social skills to allow them to create secure friendships as the move into primary school.
Well-being is a priority, so children quickly gain confidence in their own abilities and challenge themselves to learn new skills independently.
The three strands of PSE are:
- Relationships: Developing a positive sense of themselves and others
- Feelings: Developing emotional well-being, helping children to manage their emotions.
- Independence: Developing independence, respecting others and having a positive disposition to learn.
Children are supported through developmental milestones to learn and develop:
This is how we teach Personal, Social & Emotional Development at Tenterfield:
Communication and Language:
At Tenterfield our goal is for children to “develop their attention & listening skills so that they can confidently communicate their thoughts & ideas.”
We give children opportunities to experience a rich language environment. Through adult led activities and child-initiated learning children develop their confidence and skills to express themselves, and to speak and listen in a range of situations.
There are two strands:
Attention & Listening
Developing listening and attention skills
We use a ‘total communication approach’ to support every child to communicate effectively.
Children are supported through developmental milestones to learn and develop:
This is how we teach Communication & Language at Tenterfield:
Physical Development:
At Tenterfield our goal is for children to “to learn how to move their bodies safely, so that they can explore and challenge themselves to take risks” (Gross Motor.) Also “to start to co-ordinate and refine their smaller movements to use a variety of tools purposefully” (Fine Motor.)
Our fantastic, open environment provides opportunities for young children to be active and interactive, and to develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Children are also helped to understand the importance of physical activity through a range of activities available in our expansive outdoor area.
Physical development is divided into three strands:
Gross Motor: Using large physical movements to gain co-ordination, balance and core strength.
Fine Motor: Smaller refined movements to support manipulation and using tools for a purpose
Take Risks: Challenging themselves to try new tasks and persevere until they succeed.
Children are supported through developmental milestones to learn and develop:
This is how we teach Physical development at Tenterfield:
Please explore our Milestone curriculum pages for more information about how we teach the specific areas of learning.