Curriculum Intent
About our Curriculum intent Communication, Nurture and Kindness are attributes that run through the heart of Tenterfield Nursery and continue to be at the forefront of our curriculum intent. All adults use a total communication approach in the Nursery so that all children are included and given the best opportunity to develop their communication skills …
Curriculum Overview
The EYFS is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and age 5. This is a very important stage as it helps your child get ready for school as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes. From when your child is born up until …
Milestones: Prime Areas
Personal, social and emotional: At Tenterfield our goal is for children “to build secure relationships that make children feel happy and safe, so that they can confidently express their feelings, wants, needs & desires independently in pro social ways.” This area is a real strength for Tenterfield as we support children to develop a positive …
Milestones: Specific Areas
Literacy At Tenterfield our goal is for every child “to learn about letters, sounds and words by exploring a range of books and developing a love for stories.” Also “to make meaningful marks to bring my ideas to life.” Literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. …
Reading and Phonics
Early Reading A critical part of supporting early reading skills is to improve children’s language and communication skills and create a language-rich environment. Tenterfield’s total communication approach to all learning is therefore intrinsic to the delivery of early reading in the nursery. We know that reading is essential for all areas of learning and are …
Nurture Group
The Nurture group sessions run within the main Nursery routine on Mondays and every other Thursday. Children will always start the session with their nursery key person group for welcome time. They will then be collected for the start of Nurture group. They will return to their key person group at the end of the …
Forest School
Tenterfield Nursery will use Forest School to enrich our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. The children visit the nature reserve in our local Primary school every other Thursday. We have a morning or an afternoon session. Why are we using Forest School at Tenterfield? Research shows us that children are stimulated by the outdoors. …