As part of their learning and development, you child will have the opportunity to access a wide range of digital technology including, computers, iPads and cameras.
At Tenterfield we recognise the value of using this technology and also the potential risks involved. We therefore have rigorous online safety policies and procedures in place. Please see our eSafety policy which is in the policies section for further information.
Even our youngest children are accessing the internet and therefore all parents and carers need to find ways to keep their child safe online.
- Make sure parental controls are set on your home broadband
- Make sure you know what sites they are visiting and have passwords
- Help your child learn through appropriate games
- Have your devices in communal areas so you are always aware of what they are watching or playing
- Set time limit boundaries
Stories for 3-7 year olds
Some Key Advice for Children
- Be nice online
- Keep your personal details private
- Think before you post, send or forward
- Do not share your password with others
- Don’t arrange to meet up with someone you only know online, and tell a trusted adult if someone asks
- Be careful who you webcam with
- Know how to keep yourself safe
- Don’t open an attachment unless you are 100% sure it is safe
- Tell a trusted adult if anything happens online that worries or upsets you
We hope you find the information provided useful to ensure your child’s online safety.
- Online Safety Newsletter Spring 25 (270.74KB)
- eSafety Parent Factsheet (1.55MB)
- Internet Safety for your Child (659.51KB)