Tenterfield has an inclusive environment where every individual child is valued. The Tenterfield team are experienced working with children with a variety of needs. We aim to fully support families and help to provide the most appropriate and supportive education to help children to excel whatever their learning needs. We realise that it is an anxious time for parents or carers if your child does not appear to be developing as you expect or in the same way as other children. Staff are here to help and to listen to your concerns so please talk to us and we will do all we can to help.
Holly Brankin, Assistant Head is also our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and is an accredited SENCO who has had special training to help children who need extra support.
If you have any concerns, queries or ideas please contact Mrs Brankin at the Nursery to make an appointment. Your child’s key person will also be happy to discuss any concerns you may have.
- EYPP Provision Plan (90.35KB)
Children at Tenterfield can be supported in a number of different ways. This may include:
- help with speech and language
- additional time with an adult to support learning
- sensory activities
- listening and talking to parents/carers
- an individual learning plan
- an education and health care plan (EHCP) – a plan for children who have complex needs
- specialist equipment or adapted resources
- transition to primary school
- referrals to other professionals
- Higher ability phonics and maths groups
“Tenterfield Nursery is fully inclusive, resulting in outstanding support and guidance for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The provision is managed superbly. The excellent knowledge and understanding of the special educational needs coordinator benefits children because funds are used highly effectively to meet each child’s needs. Staff have the training they need and benefit from a wealth of practical ideas.”
Ofsted 2017